This is an exciting time for FHC's resurrected blog: just this past week, it logged more visitors than in any other time in its history. More people have posted comments here than ever before, and other bloggers are starting to take notice. But there’s another trend that I can’t help but notice: no one has asked the most pertinent question of all. How is LL?
Well, let me share with you what my first week in New York has been like. Law school is everything I’ve expected and more: everyone is either a total freak, anti-social, homosexual, a chronic overeater, or any combination of those. And nobody wears their collar up. I’m not sure what cross-section of people decides to become lawyers, but I do know one thing for sure: there is very little overlap between these people and those who aspire to be professional athletes, models, or talk show hosts.
Of course, I knew going in that I had to set the social pecking order as early as possible. Would I be Elle W. or the snarky, hypercompetitive Vivian K? You’ve probably all answered the question correctly already. I’m obviously Vivian. But I can’t help it if the rest of my class is made up of poorly dressed bores who I have no other choice but to judge (and I don’t mean judge in that Civil Procedure sort of way.)
We’ve had a wonderful weekend here in the gayborhood of Chelsea, though FHC forgot to get his rainbow flag tattoo in advance, so he was tackled and then branded by an angry pack of ‘mos. Desperate for approval, I begged FHC to tell me what he thought of my new apartment. He replied Spanishly: “Apartment? All I see is a small corridor.”
Despite his complaints about its size, we’ve still had enough visitors today to fill the N.O. Civic Center – Chris and Alex R., Costas C., and the ever trendy Lyle M.
Unbeknownst to us Law & Order SVU was shooting on our block – and “shooting” is not a metaphor. Three piercingly loud gunshots rang out last night, followed by a shout of “we’ve got a police officer down,” at which point Zed threw herself into the bathroom and locked the door for safety.
Because the events of this weekend really are on all our minds and are a time to pause, reflect, and remember what it means to breathe the sweet air of freedom, we’re celebrating the start of Fashion Week by going to the Lacoste party at the Maritime Hotel tonight.
Finally, a small prediction. When C.J. William R. died last weekend, I called FHC immediately and told him that President George B. would nominate Judge John R. to replace him. But that, of course, leaves a replacement for Justice Sandra Day O. still to be announced. I’d like the record to show that I predict he’ll nominate our good friend Alberto G. to fill that role. And you all had better hope I’m right, otherwise we’re going to end up with one of those psychotic women everyone’s talking about.
Your buddy LL