I wanted badly to make a case against dry-cleaners and real estate pest today but I was told that I sound slightly misanthropic, bitter and the INS is threatening to raid my place so, if that’s ok, I’ll try to keep a neutral tone today. Here are a few quick thoughts on my way out:
- Let’s denounce the decaf coffee scam one time and for all. I ordered one at Sette (censored) at diner with Caroline V. and I could see in the squirmy eyes of the waiter that he knew I was not going to get decaf. At 3:50 am I was reading Jen’s interview in VF. This morning I heard the usual “You look like you slept here” ten times. Soon I’ll act like my brother who always adds after his decaf order: “I know where your kids go to school and it better be decaf”.
- On my way out, I ran into Jim S. returning from John-David’s party: either it was a costume party or someone has to tell Jim that his clothes are not fitting anymore (we recommend some shopping too .. with his latest trick's credit card ). Back in the days he would have been at risk to be raped in such an outfit, now he only is at risk to be put away.
- I also ran into (censored - please refer to comments section) who always looks like he just walks out from a lobotomy. He was wearing a yellow wristband: I concluded yellow is either for liver or brain damage. He was on his way to Hush which is quite different than playing with empty cans in the Rio Favellas I guess.
- (censored)
- Jim M. also wrote to me yesterday: “I read your obit […] you seem to be more out of sorts then normal […] Seriously. Do i need to organize an intervention ?” . I followed his advice and took an appointment with my psychiatrist today. He was late and patients began to pile up in his waiting room: this was so awkward. Quickly the entire spectrum of mental health issues was represented in the room as well as the whole array of psychotropic drugs. I was trying to look absorbed in the latest issue of “Bow Hunter” but after a few minutes I just took the fire exit.
- I will go to Results tonight: it is not something I wanted, it is not something I planned, it is something that's going to happen anyway against my will. Is it true that fitness network people are the proletarian of Results ?
As I am conscious, I have not much to say and as I am said I am wacko, here are a few blogs picked by LL to browse kid: hilarious conversations (I think the laughing cow girl was actually LL). This is funny too (yes, no ?). Ok now…that’s Chris R.’s gossip column. Toby was scandalized today : (I never know who is doing what these days ? must be because I stopped my pills), Frenchbenj is outraged…. I feel I should write something meaningful too but I don’t…apparently you are tacky and I hate you too… neither.
Chou - I am getting addicted to your blog... ;-))
Posted by: Caro | Friday, September 02, 2005 at 02:57 PM
Response from the Editor to Diego
Dear Diego. We all love to hate me so I completely share your point of view on the entire paragraph about you in my entry in my blog: it is revolting, unnecessary and unfair. Yet our readers – rarely care enough about my point of view to react and I would like to thank you for taking the time to reply in a very thoughtful manner. Here at FHC’s resurrected blog, we have been truly overwhelmed and amazed at the level of details in your answer and the passion you put into it. Please send your other comments, if any, about other posts. Yet, as you pointed it out yourself, we cannot only make fun of the rich and celebrated and when stories like yours show up we cannot resist. Our apologies and mea culpa, YOU DID NOT WEAR A YELLOW BRACELET …. I made that up… YOU PROBABLY DID NOT PLAY WITH EMPTY CANS…. I lacked information on this part and made it up too…let's forget the lobotomies ......and yes indeed I am balding and Spanish and have known my share of venereal diseases. I acknowledge the threat of brutal physical violence on my person and will avoid you for a little while if that’s ok. Again Thank you for your patronage, we hope you will continue your healthy critics.
Open Letter from Diego to FHC HH.
"I'm very flattered to know you care enough to waste your worthless excuse for a life talking shit about someone as uncultured as me! Me, who never had anything against you, or said an ill word about you, despite your innumerable character flaws and messed up personality! Imagine that. You're really something else.
But I guess you feel a certain connection to me... I've lost count of my lobotomies and you've lost count of your STD's...
I know you are at the peak of your Napolean complex and that already started to mess up with your sight... but I would still like to point out a few things to you:
- I was NOT wearing a yellow wristband. As a matter of fact I don't even own one. Maybe you should reduce the quantity of acid and anti-depressives you are taking because that is causing you to see colors that are just not there.
- I know that a cure for baldness is still far from becoming a reality, but I don't think I will need a liver transplant before you get some hair implant.
- Maybe one day you will be cool enough to learn how to play with empty cans.
Thank god you have a blog so now people other than your mom can understand you. But I guess you never suffered that much since your buddies from manhunt can barely hear your lisp when you bend over.
So watch out next time you talk bad about someone from Brazil, you little Spanish queer... you may end up in the hospital for something other than treating your baldness or std's... Maybe next time you ought to rethink your pathetic attempts at humor by making fun of random, undeserving people. It's as nasty and vile as you and everyone else knows you really are.
Your dear friend,
Posted by: Diego | Tuesday, September 06, 2005 at 05:57 PM