How can a blog be born again ? Ahhhh nothing like to die, be buried, and to rise again on such a beautiful day. Today the other blog officially died victim of a mysterious disease which baffled all medical authorities (after a few thousands clicks and 98 entries). The incredible account of the cataclysmic demise of FHC's other blog is available on this link for a week or so. But the story of its regeneration is only beginning right here. Does that mean I can start writing awful things about my mother, my roommate and the Gs ? Can I say f**k you to Friendster, DC blogs and the neighbors ? for real ? Re-publish my mean entry about the ooo-so-sensitive dumb brazilian f***er ? Possibilities are endless
We were all worried after reading the "other" blog that you might never return from this afternoon's run.
Posted by: LL | Monday, October 10, 2005 at 06:14 PM
Let's face it, it's not everyday that one has the chance to start over. It's an opportunity to make amends, play nice, and be kind to strangers. Or, and that's the preferred (and more likely) path, it's an opportunity to come back a stronger, meaner, and overall bitchier self.
Clearly, your path has already been written in stone, so give us the dirt, c*nt.
Posted by: FrenchBenj | Monday, October 10, 2005 at 11:32 PM