Disclaimer. The inappropriate content and perverse opinions expressed by twink in residence (and in this case his obvious disrespect for privacy), LL do not reflect the moderate views of FHC. FHC’s resurrected blog shall not be held liable for the accuracy or correctness of any information in the following entry. We appreciate your patronage. Your buddies at FHC's, Maria and Pedro.
Today is Saturday, so it means I have to guest blog. When I tried to refuse, FHC threw his notepad at me and threatened to kick me out if I didn’t start writing.[2] As an act of rebellion, I decided not to write anything at all. I’m just going to report exactly what FHC writes in this little pad of his. Ready? Here goes:
- Clean stuff
- Take your contacts out !
- Buy black laces online
- Buy soap
- Masque[3]
- Buy some flowers[4]
That’s a little sneak peak inside the fabulous life of FHC. Surprised? We didn’t think so.
In other news, no one told me that coming to DC for the weekend would mean I would miss seeing Madonna at Roxy (confirmed by our friends at FAGAT’s). FHC told me he’d make it up to me by taking me to see “Julio Vasquez” at Nation tonight. That would be so totally awesome, except for one tiny (or as they say in France, petit) problem. Who the f*** is Julio Vasquez?[5]
Finally, some people have expressed concern that there isn’t enough culture in FHC’s life these days. Well, we’re happy to report that a copy of “Franny and Zooey” is on his beds stand. Very cute. Not only is this CRR’s favorite book (we think), but it also mentions the “Yale Game” in the very first sentence – something that FHC couldn’t be more excited to experience firsthand next month!!!
PS: FHC and LL promise they won't be at the Reel Affirmation Festival either tonight nor at the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant instead they will be free-loading at the Gs.
[1] We know this is a typo. FHC is lactose intolerant.
[2] Someone please call the Department of Children and Family Services, pronto.
[3] We found out later that “masque” is a preventative measure against avian asian bird flu influenza
[4] We confess, this one was very nice since the flowers were meant for LL.
[5] Edit: Several crackheads have called to update me: 1) apparently it’s “Junion” Vasquez 2) and I guess “Junior” is some kind of the most famous DJ in the world. Um, we still don’t know what that means.