As I was trying to fall asleep a few days ago, I just remembered out of the blue the name of the first guy I ever made a move on. I came to calculate that it must have been in 1994, believe it or not.
This guy was a Marine Scout with me in a Scout Group cutely named after a famous Antarctic explorer. I had been a useless yet very cute Scout for about 2 years and that kid and I had become increasingly friends. I had also become increasingly horny as Easter camp implied sleeping at five in one single boat cabin every night and I had the feeling he was very much into me. We spent quite some time together. He was tall, pretty strong with a somewhat strange mouth as it had been hit by a horse’s hoof in his childhood (reconstructive surgery was probably not as advanced as today). He also happened to be the son of a Préfet, which is roughly the equivalent of a U.S. governor, and after our summer camps, invited me to spend a few days in the fine old official mansion of his father outside of Paris.
I went there around the time of my 16th birthday. I am not sure what I really expected at that time: sex or a romantic relationship. Anyway, from the outset, things did not exactly fit my plan. First he had a German pen friend with him and is there anything less romantic than having a German pen friend around ?. I managed anyway to share the Presidential room with him and have the German exiled to another aisle of the mansion. Then we did not get on well as much as expected: he was some kind of a spoilt brat, slightly violent and deeply boring (I had this habit most of my youth to recruit my friends based on physical criteria and ended up befriending exclusively assholes). We were drunk almost every night as the Government was kind enough to fill the billiard’s room minibar with beers and I finally asked him one night after our lights were off if I could blow him. He declined after hesitating (at least that’s what I prefer to believe). The end of my stay might have been slightly awkward: it is difficult to remember.
Quickly after that, back at my parent’s house, I started sleeping much more than usual, have difficulties concentrating and constantly complaining about feeling tired. My parents brought me to the family doctor who ordered many blood work and X-Rays and finally came to conclude that I was going through a depression and sent me to a therapist. The therapist was some kind of a bastard and I constantly complained about my parents. After a few sessions he apparently figured out the problem (not that he needed a PhD for that) and asked “And girls ? you never mention any girls”. I decided the prudent thing was to never go back to his practice again. I told my parents, whom anyway cared very little about my depression as they were very busy with their own, that I was feeling better and avoided to tell them that what had lifted my anxiety was the certainty of knowing what the problem was.
I quit the Marine Scouts just before that summer and nurtured the dream that I could probably still find a girl to marry.
Years later, I heard that Cyrille D. was completely straight and dating gorgeous models.
I wonder if things would have been much different if he had let me blow him.
My French penpal was sent home after fellating one of my classmates in Sunset Park. True story.
Posted by: LL | Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 05:58 PM