For the first time ever in the history of New York City, the Louls actually adventured out of their apartment to the EAST SIDE (!!!) so that FHC could get his weekly fix of self-indulgence. FHC said the mission was to find a replacement pair of jeans. Don’t let him fool you; he already has approximately 100 pair of jeans (2 Diesels, 1 Paper Denim, 1 Lucky). The real mission is to spend spend spend because what fun is a paycheck if we can’t enjoy it now. (The same, obviously, goes for student loans). To his credit, FHC spent $130 dollars on his new pair of Sevens (from Bloomies), which based on the pairs he could have selected was a bona fide bargain. The Chip & Pepper’s nearby cost no less than $200 and the next cheapest pair of Sevens cost $170. FHC also tried Citizens of Humanity, but he wouldn’t take my word that they really were trendy so they were right out.
Like I said, the Sevens weren’t the real goal: our success at finding a fitting pair quickly only began our excursion. Next, FHC convinced himself that he desperately needed a grey sweater. We searched high and low – Polo, Benetton, Saks, Lacoste, J Screw, Faconnable, H&M, and all we could find was a pink sweater with grey stripes from Banana. Close enough. In case you were worried the spending spree had ended, rest assured we returned to Saks to pick up what I think was around 1 cubic milliliter of Penhaligon’s cologne for $80 more dollars. The Duke of Essex wears it so it must be worth it. Thank god.
Downtown Lisbon is not Manhattan but if there is one good thing we have here in Portugal is good shopping. Since not all of us can afford to pay $80 for 1 cubic mm of cologne, I battled the enemy (aka the other poor portuguese) in the shopping malls and department stores because everything was on sale and got myself a brand new casual blazer!
Posted by: Frederico C | Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 11:14 PM