I would have blogged about the French demonstrations but I already did that earlier this year when you reported on yet another French revolution brewing in the Banlieues, so please refer to my previous entry. On CNN.com, France always appear to be going through a civil war, it’s just amazing. It’s as if the guy who made “Le Divorce” was also in charge of all news relating to the French social “situation”. Nothing like French bashing by French people to make you happy… you sneaky little conformist bastards. Okay, so French people are always demonstrating their discontentment towards their government and that pisses you off because you wish you would live in a real democracy too. After all isn’t it the ultimate freedom than to rebel against your own government. You probably suspect by now that there is a little “je-ne-sais-quoi” which is sexually exciting about revolution, contestation, strong emotions, tight stomachs and pretty clothes. Admit it. That’s ok. And get over it now, you are in the US and it is all about healthy food, sweat pants, the apprentice and bringing freedom to the universe. And I am proud to be a French man where at least I can be unhappy And I am proud of the Frenchmen who demonstrate for me…
Let's be honest, even FHC needs a good storming of the bastille every once in a while.
Posted by: LL | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 11:10 PM
You have passed the 26-year threshold. Face it, the Frenchmen are not demonstrating for you anymore…
Posted by: | Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 04:35 PM