Since FHC spends his workweeks accusing me of being lazy and emphasizing the importance of his “professional activities” and my complete lack thereof, I decided to bring him to school today. My first exam is May 1st, and it’s about time I start studying.
Little did I know what “going to school to study together” really meant. And if you’re secretly hoping that it meant performing oral sex in the library stacks, you’ll be disappointed. What it actually meant was spending two hours trying to get FHC’s wireless internet to work and spending 30 minutes on the phone with “Shonda” from Lenovo trying to solve the problem – FHC confessed to me that he was worried that the tech support person wouldn't understand his broken English, unlike most tech support calls where the employee - "Frankie" - can barely form sentences in English. As always, I had to deal with the impossible to fix problem. Fortunately I just finished studying the section in property about what happens after divorce. This information will be very useful in a few hours.
In other news, we’re also having marital problems in movie selections. Inside Man was sold out, and we went to V for Vendetta instead. Even though the movie had initially been FHC’s suggestion, he thought it “sucked balls.” I, on the other hand, really liked it. Natalie P. was charming (even if I hate her guts for being my age and wildly successful) and the mask actually make Hugo W. far less freakish than in all his other roles – I couldn’t see his annoyingly small mouth or see the weird facial ticks he makes when he talks. Also, there were a lot of (ok, a few) gay characters, and you can’t go wrong there. FHC attacked it for having an even more obvious message than Crash, only with worse acting. That’s exactly why I liked it so much more.
Finally, while making breakfast this morning (turkey bacon and eggs) without any contribution from FHC whatsoever, I destroyed the toaster oven and microwave in our hobbit hole when the stand I bought from Target completely collapsed. There’s now a gaping hole in the microwave, but we’re using it in any event. (Slash FHC and I might go to BBB tomorrow to see what our replacement options are).
Tonight we are either going to another movie (Inside Man this time hopefully) or watch a movie at home (Loulous with Gerard Depardieu) No joke. We haven’t decided and I think it depends on how lazy the Lous are and whether the weather gets better. Besides, FHC has offered to cook his famous curry, so at least we don’t have to go out to dinner.
Love and kisses.
dear ll,
can you please ask fhc for his delicious curry recipie? that would be great. thanks in advance. you kids should see 'thank you for smoking.' it's about awful lobbyists, not unlike many of the a**holes one may meet while floating in the stinking cesspool that is the washington, d.c., gay "scene."
also, thank fhc for not killing oliver d., as our pet deposit will not be refunded if the pet is dead upon our leaving the apartment.
Posted by: kevin d. | Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 11:05 PM
in regards to the possibility of your having body dysmorphic disorder: good news! it's not body dysmorphic disorder if you really ARE fat and ugly. :) yippee!!!
Posted by: mark h. | Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 11:18 PM