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Monday, April 17, 2006



A gay just passed me in the libes and he was wearing a headband. And a shirt with like sports numbers on "00" on the back, not affiliated with any real team that I know of. I feel that straight men do neither of the above.

kevin d.

in which we mourn the passing of the 26th year of fhc...

kevin d.

do straight guys wear abercrombie anymore? i mean, honestly, what could be gayer???
also, i think only homos and girls wear fur.

abstract truth

they're the only ones who are wearing those awful pimp-dress-shoes with the elongated toes. the foot-to-penis ratio is a myth, maybe someone should tell them.


FHC, you are old.

mark h.

hmm, i still wear white socks, but then i think that's a southern thing which as i find myself doing less and less now that i've moved up here to yankee-land.

in other news: happy bday, fhc, and please come home soon! oliver and kevin miss you so much they have both fallen into a deep despression, one in which they are prone to throwing hissy fits and such for no good reason except the fact you are gone!!!

kevin d.

white socks, mark h.?
you would.

mark h.



I hope you make him take them off, because otherwise that's just awkward for everybody involved.


Old and fat

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