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Saturday, April 29, 2006


MegaDCFag's Mum

I would like to let you all know that my little son MegaDCFag has been hospitalized and his perspectives are not very good. He suffers from Chronic anger, Lack of Love and continuous esposure to Republicans. I will keep you posted on how his hospitalization develops.


Dear Ms. MDCF:

After reading your son's comments on this blog over several months, we tend to agree that his perspectives are not only "not very good," but also uninteresting and irrelevant. That said, we hope he improves.


Tristan himself...yes...yes

Happy birthday mon LL. You are da bomb !

kevin d.

i will second that comment about megadcfag's irrelevance, although it has a ring of familiarity (something i once posted in reference to our damien, perhaps???).

and furthermore, how much longer can LL truly be considered the "twink in residence"? i mean, for chrissake, he's already past the quarter-century mark. if LL is still a twink at 25, tristan himself is 136 lbs and has a full and lustrous head of hair.

happy birthday to the most recently retired twink!


I thought Kevin D. was going to challenge the "in residence" part of my title, given I haven't been there since December.

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