After a long deliberation, FHC finally followed through on his childhood dream and adopted a puppy. I guess driving Mike and Ari G-S. to Alexandria wasn’t enough for the day, and a computer and an iPod didn’t keep him busy at all, natch. Besides, after babysitting Loulboum and Loul Jr. a few weeks ago, FHC realized how nice it was to have a companion who gave you love 24 hours a day and doesn’t shovel its poop into a pile of sand like Oliver D. le chat. He found the puppy on ebay, obviously. Unfortunately, there weren’t any French breeds (I guess no Bichon ever turns up homeless), so FHC had to settle for what we think it a bearded collie, though more than likely it’s some sort of mulatto. I haven’t seen the animal myself yet, but I did get to hear it bark and FHC sent me pictures.
Walking won’t be a problem, since Kevin D. is an oboist who telecommutes, but there are a few obvious questions: who takes care of the dog next weekend when FHC visits LL in NYville? Is LL goi ng to have any responsibility for the dumb animal when he’s living at the Chalet FHC over the summer? What on gods green earth is Oliver going to do? So far, he peed all over the carpet, tried to escape in the courtyard, and is momentarily locked up in Kevin D's room so doggie doesn't eat him. Most importantly, what will its name be? I’ve suggested Hubert and Vaclav, both of which have been completely rejected. FHC thinks he’ll either name it George. M., Alex S. or Cub. Obviously you all know which one I voted for. Pl
ease post suggestions below. We’ve also had a debate in the family whether the dog should be neutered. I’d prefer not to have the thing ejaculating all over the furniture, but FHC wants to keep it like a “real man” – all of which foreshadows the huge argument we’re going to have when we ad opt a Tutsi baby from Africa and I ask to have it circumcised.
In other news, I recommend everyone check out Google romance. It’s like e-harmony meets meets jdate.
I'm going to suggest the old Irish name "Oisín" for the dog (comment le prononcer en français: "hochîne"). Maybe it's the Guinness talking.
Em... on reflection, it's definitely the Guinness talking.
In summary, however: dogs good. V pleased you;re going down this route!
Posted by: beer please | Saturday, April 01, 2006 at 07:45 PM
i shall be very happy to have someone else to lick my ass besides tristan and myself.
Posted by: oliver d. | Sunday, April 02, 2006 at 01:11 AM
F for Fag +
H for hairless +
C for chalmidya
Posted by: MegaDCFag | Sunday, April 02, 2006 at 10:06 AM
A good MegaDCFag is a dead MegaDCFag !
Posted by: Tristan himself... | Sunday, April 02, 2006 at 11:47 AM