Easter represents a special time for us at FHC's. The life of the blog tracks closely the life of our L&S J.C.:
1) The Blog was conceived one night in Tunis when FHC became high on chemical fumes and believed, only momentarily, that God was fucking him. From that fresh seed, the blog was born.
2) The Blog in its original form, already slowly dying from a mysterious disease, came under attack from a bunch of heathens, Jews, and lesbians and was put to rest by the Friendster gestapo, who had accused the Blog of harassment. To the true believers, of course, the Blog was just spreading the gospel.
3) The Blog rose again out of its cyber-tomb. After suffering for the sins of homosexuals and Frenchmen all over the Duport Circle metro area, FHC's Blog asked that their sins be forgiven.
Actual Christians please note that any inaccuracies are based entirely on my complete ignorance - and utter lack of interest - in your faith. Please don't attribute anything I say to FHC, devout as he is.
Meanwhile, Kevin D. is still gay , I'm still have to get back to studying for finals, and FHC has no internet, so this is all you're going to get for a while.
Also, can someone tell me how much caffeine is too much? Today I've had two coffees, a diet coke and a diet pepsi.
Lastly, in the past 24 hours there have been about 50 google searches for this picture of Ian S. on the blog. I figured if I reposted we'd get even more hits. If that makes me a blog slut, fine.
Happy Easter to FHC, LL, Kevin D and all the MegaFag family of DC!!!!
Posted by: MegaDCFag | Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 01:12 PM
The blog is dying....(again)
Posted by: MegaDCFag | Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 02:27 PM
fhc and ll: you're blog will NEVER die!!!!!
(unless me and kevin d. die.)
ps: oliver says "meow!!!!!"
Posted by: mark h. | Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 11:21 PM
and by "you're," i mean, "your." and kevin also typed all this, and fortunately i was here to see the errors of his ways....
Posted by: mark h. | Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 11:23 PM
the aim screen name 'TristanFHC' either is the wrong one or is that of some guy in brooklyn who was talking to me tonight via that screen name. i was very confused. but i usually am.
Posted by: myke | Monday, April 17, 2006 at 09:41 PM