Kevin W. (god bless his bleeding heart!) has sent me the enclosed letter to the Editor of the Financial Times Download american_dream.pdf - right before calling me a condescending bastard. I believe it is worth reading as an invitation to “think poor” (not to be confused with “act like a cheap bastard”) and “live rich”. I actually did not really get the meaning of the letter altogether but as Kevin W. went to Oxford at one point, [By which I mean when the effects of his alcoholism still remained unnoticeable – this being said getting kicked out of Cobalt for being a sloppy drunk is nothing to be ashamed off as I hear some people get kicked out for getting bjs in the bathroom these days]. I am sure it must be remotely interesting for my – ô so intellectual – readership and could form a nice alternative to a blog entry as I am really not in the mood to tell you anything [nor do I have the time if I had the inclination as I am on an important mission to the gym].
I almost forgot that following Frenchbenj’s advice I forged yet another useful friendship on myspace today with Bryanboy le superstar fabuleux, [my first Filipino friend when you think about it] next step is to convince LL that we should get him to join us for vacations in Brittany: that’s exactly what we need a distinguished girl which we can use as a cover for our buggery. I am sure he would get on well with my mother.
In other news, am I too old to wear flip-flops and what about sandals? Can you believe that a “first jewish quarterback to win the powerball” search leads to FHC’s blog ? Among the movies I watched recently “love in thoughts” would be one of the most charming, almost lighthearted if it did not include a homicide and a suicide.
You can wear flip-flops, but I won't permit you to wear man-sandals.
Also, as someone who once got kicked out of cobalt himself, I can say it's not so bad.
Posted by: LL | Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 10:19 PM
LL, we are already sad that you have left our fair city. Make sure FHC goes out this summer. His current regimen of crusty bread and Netflix has left him a little on the squishy side.
Posted by: Fagat | Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 01:00 PM