Today the blog is late because …..I have nothing to say (in short nobody has visited my friendster, myspace, HI5 or facebook profile today – you’re happy ?). Let alone something which wouldn’t qualify as useless prose on selfindulgence but then what do I know? – thank god Fagat decided to write about literature – gay novels but still that’s literature for all of us (fishwatch hasn’t even posted so give me a break will you?). I did not even notice the day going by as I was in a total fog mostly induced by the fact that I had to take a Benadryl to fall asleep last night (I decided against taking another Excedrin PM or a Xanax as it is clear for everybody involved that I am addicted to both). You see the problem is that Benadryl makes you even groggier than Xanax (my motto though is “Better badly damaged by anti-allergy medication than totally fucked by antipsychotics” but that’s just my point of view). Of course I barely made it to work this morning because my eyes were so puffy I could not even see 5 meters ahead and I think I might have caused two car accidents on 17th street – one of them fatal to the driving teenager. I spent my day strolling around the office telling people that I am much smarter than I look. I really wonder if it will be difficult to hide my new over-the-counter/prescription drug issue when LL gets here (Note to self: ask LL to sleep on the couch). It reminds of my youth, when I would stay awake all night just because I did not want my (very demanding) tricks to notice I needed both earplugs and a sleep-mask to fall asleep (in the winter I also wear earmuffs in bed which is why I never hook up in the winter) – thank god for long term relationships. Anybody has some ambien leftover or are you going to force me to see a physician? I fear I won't make it without. What’s the life expectancy around here? 90? That’s way too much with my sleeping pattern. I also read somewhere today that indie boys are not only neurotic but they also suffer of tanorexia (via our friend KMZ). have no clue how to get back home and what to do there - commuting, work, a salad, work, call LL time, work, commuting, home, call LL once again, cook, call LL one last time, insomnia.
Don't worry F. Soon the "call LL time" won't be part of your daily schedule and you'll be able to relax much more.
Posted by: LL | Monday, May 15, 2006 at 07:07 PM