FHC finally took me to the Billy Goat Trail yesterday. Apparently, in the metropolitan DC area “trail” means “pile of rocks” and “seeing nature” means maybe a squirrel and if you’re lucky a few ducks. Also, walking along a river would usually be pleasant, except that the Potomac is so polluted that the surface of the water is covered by an unidentifiable beige froth. In preparation for our rigorous hike, FHC took me to get a mani-pedi. Enough said.
Sadly, we’ve also run out of friends in gay DC. On Thursday night we had dinner with the Gs, apparently the only people left who enjoy our company, or something like that. We went to Pigalle, which “replaced” Peppers on 17th Street and I got food poison from the mussels. Ben T. commented that ordering that entrée at that location was an invitation for violent illness. Everyone else we contact for plans politely declines or “has a friend’s birthday to go to.” If it sounds fishy, then please send us an email inviting us for drinks. Because we’re now total outcasts, FHC and I watch hundreds of movies. All of them are about gays, immigrants, or Jews. Occasionally we watch a movie about the Nazis, which conveniently covers all three.
Now comes the part of the blog where LL runs out of things to say, so I have question for commenters (slash Oliver D. and his pussy cat suitor) to answer. Why is the US postal service working with FedEx? Has anyone else noticed that local post offices now contain FedEx drop-off locations, and USPS express mail has a FedEx logo on it? Because honestly, if the post office is going to admit they suck and give up, I’d rather if they stopped stealing my tax dollars to do it.
Lastly, our good friend has gone missing, and so I think someone ought to start a blog called Fishwatchwatch to keep track of his whereabouts.
Wait. The Billy Goat Trail is a real thing?
Posted by: Fagat | Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 01:05 PM