If FHC were blogging today, this entry would fall into the "FHC has nothing to say category." That seems to be the trend lately: I opened up my Grand Sichuan fortune cookie last night and a fortune in side there was not. Does this mean that I have no fortune, or that life will continue to be dull dull dull? I think my lack of a fortune beats KMZ's, which observed "Depend on the support of the collective." They must have run out of the "stick with your wife" and "the revoluti on, and the recognition of class and class struggle, are necessary for peasants and the people to overcome both d omestic and foreign enemy elements" fortunes.
Now that the academic year has ended, I'm forced to decline invitations to Yankees games because I have to "clean up" and "pack" instead of "study property," "throw coffee" or "see David Blaine." Somehow none of those excuses seems convincing, and since the sun is shining, neither does "it's about to pour." I've pretty much turned into a zombie in front of the TV, watching Dateline NBC set up suspected child rapists and notsuper-models open briefcases on Deal or No Deal. I tried to tape the first program for FHC, cough cough, but he said he wasn't interested in watching it.
Finally, the most fun game on the internet is actually Google's new search feature - "Google Trends." What's amazing is that you can figure what the CIA is interested in, and what it's not based on how often people from "Reston, VA" are searching for a given term. (NOTE: that the CIA hides the fact that it's in Langley)
Here are some examples from http://www.google.com/trends:
Valerie Plame: 1 Washington DC; 2 Reston, VA
Joe Wilson: 2 Reston, VA
Scooter Libby: 1 DC; 2 Reston
Moussaoui: 1 Rabat Morocco; 2 DC; 3 Reston
Duke Cunningham: 1 San Diego; 2 Washington DC; 3 Reston, VA
Porter Goss: 1 Washington; 2 Reston
Maureen Dowd: 1 NYC; 2 Cambrige; 3 DC; 4 Reston!
And, for those of you who think Reston is just a populated place so of course people there are looking for common DC figures:
FBI: 1 Washington; 2 Miaimi; 3 San Diego; 4 New York, etc.
Wonkette: 1 McLean, VA; 2 Washington; 3 Arlington, VA
Some interesting "Top Cities" in google trends:
1) Gay (Santiago, Chile)
2) Hot Gay Sex (Sydney, Australia)
3) FHC (Brazilia, Brazil)
4) Rafael Verga (Rio, Brazil)
5) Hot men (Manila, Philipinnes)
6) Crew Club (Reston, VA)
Posted by: Anonymous | Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 02:17 PM
1) world bank (washington, RESTON)
2) oboe (cambridge--the oboe is a highly intellectual instrument)
3) washington, d.c. (lanham, silver spring, RESTON)
Posted by: kevin d. | Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 12:52 PM
Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, Portland, Seattle
Posted by: LL | Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 01:00 PM