LL has been pretending today that he is the “Tiers Etat” which he actually spells “Troisième Etat” showing once again how little he knows about French history and language, how little he cares and how little he saw when he was in Paris over Christmas…but then he was sick because of “Foie Gras”. LL is so “Frenchness crippled” that if he was French he would surely be French Canadian and if he was a pastry he would be a doughnut. Anyway, the kid has been complaining because part of his boyfriend job description includes doing FHC’s boat reservations (zipboat does not have an online system yet) and that he has been asked to remedy to his rat-packing habit at home. He threatens us with a revolution over the sacred institutions of our relationship, I quote: “I'll do all the revolting, MBCP”. ggoooooooo LL gooooooooooooo ... Another valet revolution is brewing in the dark corners of the Corcoran retirement House which is a bit strange when you know the numbers of applications for boyfriendship we receive every week: the job is in HIGH DEMAND. Clearly we are going to have our little counter-revolution, a behead your boyfriend party and a disembowelment after-party tonight if he does not calm down. I’ll be the French revolutionaries and you be Marie-Anoinette. I’ll storm your Bastille too…. your impure blood is soaking my furrow. To paraphrase Susan Anthony “Resolved, that the sodomites in 2006, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1789”. This is so much more interesting than what I wrote last year (yes the blog is also one year old and nobody congratulated him). Let's go Fatherland's children… the Glory day has come…
In other news and as a follow-up to yesterday entry, I am a little afraid that Israel might decide to invade Italy over the week-end. My mornings are just a serie of embarrassing elevator’s moments these days. An online community we all want to join. Fake gay news. Also someone told me that all zipsters are suckers and that you can rent a car at Enterprise for a mere $30/week-end without the infamous zipcar attitude. I read the President’s advice for not being fat.
Commenting on today's post would be declasse, considering the other options...
Posted by: LL | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 09:44 PM