Returning from vacation is always a painful process moreover in our difficult circumstances. I tried to take it easy: got an allergy shot, had lunch with my old friend Arturo who gave me the opportunity to place in the conversation an “I don’t regret the drugs as much as the promiscuity” and ran into the unbearable Kevin W. Yet I ended up with a terrible headache at 4:30 p.m. drooling on my best new tie after going through thousands of personal e-mails (mostly from e-bay and Carlos U.) and checking out some random guy vacation’s pictures. All of that to justify the fact that once again I barely blogged…thank god Universal Gear has its own blog. Those who love me, will forgive me. See you at Results tonight !
YOu are not permitted at results. Sorry.
Posted by: LL | Monday, August 21, 2006 at 07:20 PM
Just FYI one of the firms I interviewed with today said that they are a firm full of "well-adjusted people" who "don't yell" or "throw staplers."
Posted by: Chira[c] | Monday, August 21, 2006 at 11:13 PM