Yesterday I watched “Crimes and Misdemeanors” with Kevin D. (Kevin D. likes Woody a lot because M. Allen is too a failed clarinet player), which I found a somewhat serious piece for a Woody Allen movie: some depressed middle-aged women is even murdered at one point. Isn’t it amazing how Woody Allen used to exclusively play unbearably neurotic characters (a jealous, quasi-cultured, insensitive, whining and unsuccessful documentary filmmaker for instance) in all of his movies? It is also quite unfortunate that lately he has taken on playing cuter parts instead like this charming old magician in his last movie. Self deprecating humor, something most gay men in DC lack completely, is of course the funniest kind (I mean Woody Allen is all over the definition of “Joke” in Wikipedia…it says it all…my personal favorite is “The only difference between sex and death is, with death you can do it alone and nobody's going to make fun of you”). However, one would imagine that this constant public self-deprecation would burden one’s personal life … not to the point of sleeping with one’s own daughter or anything but still…quite a burden. After all, we are told Woody Allen is not exactly what one would imagine based on the way he is portrayed in his own movies (NDLR: read the Unruly Life of Woody Allen). I like to assume that this is the reason why vividblurry eventually interrupted his blog: so that he could become more easily something else than a negative immature alcoholic wh*re and marry his Soon-Yi. I also like to fool myself in thinking that this is probably the reason why Drew W. would not let me drive his car, that Rudy believes I am obsessed with getting laid these days or that Alice B. assumed I was into “Project Runway”. Then maybe it’s all really justified.
In other news, LL, who is visiting DC for a few days, and I are celebrating our three weeks of break-up this evening at an undisclosed location. Also I really like this song by Belle and Sebastian called “Dress up in you”. I also downloaded porn on my ipod yesterday.
yes, fhc, i do think Dakota Cowgirl is a lovely place to comiserate a divorce. pity it's not half price burger night, though.
Posted by: kevin d. | Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 09:58 PM