I have to hurry to meet my new landlord. Someone yesterday asked me if I wasn’t afraid by the perspective of living by myself. I was tempted to reply that living with Kevin D. and Olliver-le-Chat was just like living alone but sadder in the same way than being in a relationship with Clint M. was like being single or being raised by my parents was like being an orphan. But that would have been a mean spirited lie: I am a little scared of having to live alone (to be compared to the fact that I am completely panicked about moving). Mostly because Kevin would feed me at least one hot meal a week, fix me fancy cocktails and have some sort of a conversation with me now and then (he would ask interesting questions such as “How was work?” and I would reply “Awful, why? How was your nap?”). Overall I liked him as a roommate compared to the previous one: sure he was too an alcoholic but he wasn’t a drug addict and never went completely insane on me. He wasn’t a friend or a family member but more something like an insolent majordomo.
I naturally tend to live like a hermit and it might become worse if I have no reason to leave the house anymore (my only motivation in the past was to escape Kevin’s half-wit). My real fear is that indeed I will spend the rest of my life eating crab legs with my glass of scotch in front of TV every night. The way I see it, I will be probably talking to myself by February, then move in a wooden cabin in West Virginia by the summer and die of a heart attack a year later but nobody will notice for ten to twenty days after that. It has happened to better bloggers.
FHC did you find your cell phone?
Also, please pretend I wrote something funny in this space because I have a terrible sense of humor and can't think of anything.
Posted by: LL | Tuesday, October 03, 2006 at 06:14 PM
If you're worried about the "perspective [sic] of living by" yourself, just join manhunt. Then you'd always have someone to talk to.
Or even better: become a Republican Congressman. Then you could meet some fine young pages and start chatting with them.
Posted by: Mark H. | Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 12:58 AM