Last night I got wasted beyond belief. I should have gone home directly after a charming evening of cocktails and gossips at Frif T.’s house but Mark H., the new bad influence in my life (someone had to replace the late Kevin W.), tricked me into joining him at Cobalt by guaranteeing that he would get me laid. He proved himself to have no talent whatsoever for matchmaking but to be a very efficient pusher. I did the usual Cobalt stuff: making out with random people, drunk text messaging people, begging for sex, making slutty small talk with underage congressional pages and offensive comments to my last acquaintances in the city etc…I got home by 3:30 in a terrible condition. But what was new, is that when I woke up, still unbelievably drunk, I was too ashamed to call in sick and therefore had to jump on a sailboat first thing in the morning with LL who once again is visiting DC or something. I am used to run on a hangover, I thought I could pull the sailing thing. About 30 seconds after we left the dock, I started puking and did not stop until 2 hours later. Everybody on the other boats around us must have thought it was strange to get that seasick on the Potomac. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life: the sun was painful, the wind was painful and even the mineral water would make me nauseous. After that I never really recuperated, I am still ridiculously hungover and very angry at life and Mark H. I wish I could say that at least it taught me a good lesson but it didn’t and we all know that my alcohol problem is only going to get worse. Posting this entry took the little life I had left….
Loulou for Congress!
Posted by: LL | Sunday, October 01, 2006 at 07:10 PM
Poor, poor FHC... I have spent many times on a boat seasick and it ain't fun. The key is to be on the boat for a while and then get drunk. I got drunk off boxed wine after 24 hours on my parents' boat and, although hugely hungover, I was not sea-sick. Success!
Posted by: FrenchBenj | Sunday, October 01, 2006 at 07:37 PM
Aaah... that explains so much, I mean the alcohol consumptioon alone is enough for one to feel so bad in the morning. But an evening with Mark H. well, that is a whole different ball game.
Posted by: Russ W | Sunday, October 01, 2006 at 11:43 PM
rus, you heard yorktown was bad? well i'm about fixin' to open up a can of whoopass on you if you don't pipe down. and that goes for you, too, frenchie. messing up my 3 AM bootey call like that....
Posted by: Mark H. | Monday, October 02, 2006 at 12:00 AM
You know what's funny? Guess what comes up #2 on the list when you google "twinks superficial."
Posted by: Mark H. | Monday, October 02, 2006 at 12:18 AM