I did the whole Diner-Cobalt-Apex circuit yesterday evening. Drunk by 9:15 p.m. on lemon squeeze. Hangover at 9. Drunk again at 12 a.m. I had forgotten the Cobalt part but I found a receipt with the name of the club on my night table this morning. I remember running into some minor Rehoboth Beach House celebrity, Carlos U. and some artsy semi French guy as well as locking myself in the bathroom with Mark H. which seemed like a good idea at the time but also destroyed 5 years of hard work to constitute the reputation I used to enjoy in this city. I also remembered dancing with very tall underage pages at Apex. I of course acted a little Mel Gibsonish towards the end of the evening: I checked the text messages I sent last night and some of them were a little out of control. I gave up reading them quickly, it was just too painful particularly when I realized that I had invited my cleaning lady over at 2 a.m.. My drunk texting is so random that someone wrote to me “Why must you make text flirting so difficult ?” to which I should have replied that when I beg for sex, it’s usually that I am beyond courtesy. Drunk texting and drunk friendstering is a little worse than lottery it only gives positive results one time out of a billion. “Drunkeness […] reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous and bad”. As Ryan T. taught me, I hope you guys get switches for Christmas.
In other news, Sergio S. just announced me that I won’t have to take care of our friend “les Shitzs” because he decided to cancel his trip. Therefore I won’t even be surrounded by animals on Christmas Eve :0
Oh but I didn't get any texts. *Sniffle*
Posted by: LL | Friday, December 22, 2006 at 06:10 PM