« In which FHC starts recalling 2006 but eventually gives up |
| In which FHC does not return YOUR phone call »
I fixed myself only one objective today: stay sober until Christmas Eve Dinner at Sergio’s (but there I’ll get badly smashed ! Trust me). This is somewhat facilitated by the fact that I served the remainder of my last gin bottle to some stranger (a construction worker or some contractor…maybe a military) two nights ago. It’s now 5:19 p.m. and I am a little edgy but I did not have yet a drop of alcohol.
Why is CNN.com always posting such awful pictures of the Iranian ambassador to the UN?. It looks like every time the guy has bad posture there is some CNN f**ck right behind him who takes his picture and post it online. This is so American: you guys need to remember that ugly does not always mean evil and vice versa.
I had a craving for Rupaul Christmas album this morning with good songs like “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus” and delightful lines such as “all I want for Christmas is a tummy tuck… and my ribs removed”. But of course itune does not carry it and my Christmas is spoilt. If you have the album, please come forward.
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