I went a little further in improving my myspace profile using the“edit my friends” and “change my top friends” functions to switch good looking friends for clever one: a terribly deceitful (almost as deceitful as this friendster profile or this one) gesture which I still feel ashamed of. You see there is a terrible misconception in the gay world that if your friends are good looking than maybe you are too. I also included a lesbian to show that I am open minded and eclectic. While I was at it, I also finalized the essential “Who I'd like to meet” section:
I want to meet a woman. I feel that right now what is missing the most in my life is a kind, esthetic and amusing feminine presence. I would like her to be the Romy Schneider type but warmer and a little more laid back (a.k.a not committing suicide on every occasion). Not warm to the point that she’d be up to discuss my bedroom habits or her yeast infection or to be interested in going to strip bars but warm enough to be interested in my boyfriend’s stories. I’d like her to be beautiful in an odd manner, unconsciously well-mannered, with a consistent alcohol abuse history and to have an endless pot of family money available for gifts. I’d like her to have a discreet laugh and be borderline mute. Ideally she’d be part jewish or European but I’ll consider other weird religions if necessary. A medical degree would be a plus, pharmacology or a drug dealer boyfriend would even be better. She’d be my tireless companion who always worships at my altar even when I am the guilty one.
Eventually I would need a boyfriend too. I’d like him to be really interested in cars and boats so I can end all my inconclusive efforts in that domain. I’d like him to have expressions like “it’s all good”. He should be anchored in the artist community because I have enough boring lawyer and civil servants friends for two. He should have a dog…a Labrador maybe. No, no dogs…I’d be jealous. He certainly would not have a picture of himself with a baby, a group of gay guys (or even worse fraternity brothers) or at the beach on his profile. I’d like to have a few very, very badly dressed straight friends though. A little scruffy to make sure he does not shine. A very strong knowledge of american customs, history and language is a requirement. Very light eyes for a change even if LL says that two fair people should not get together. I’d like him to be completely unaware of his own coolness. Being slightly autistic would fit well with some of my defaults. In addition to the above-described bf, I also would like to meet a cheap tailor and some famous intellectual whose name I could drop in conversation when they become serious (which is pretty rare in my circle of friends).
Ok. I agree …clearly I won’t meet those people on myspace. You have a point.