I woke up a 8 a.m. a little panicked by the memories of Saturday night in a freezing apartment and had to take another Xanax before returning to bed for another 4 hours. The progressive dinner was spectacular and Joey P. had done an amazing job. I think “Say It Right” by Nelly Furtado was playing everywhere we went. So many people were mentioning things about this fictional character Peter something and I was trying really hard to remember but I did not and I am not even sure his first name is Peter anymore.
In the first house, I saw TJ, Clint F. and the good looking Jesse P. TJ, in some Red Cross Emergency outfit, pretended once again that I told him something really traumatizing in the past. Marshall S. looked slimmer. I spoke in French on the phone with some type of woman called Aline and hate something delicious called “Shiite in a blanket”. Everybody looked right off friendster. The theme was so outrageous I cannot write about it. In-between houses, Mark H. and I, suffering from a little euphoria from our Benzos excess, returned to his place to make youtube videos that I really cannot afford to ever see online. In the second house, I hate mussels while talking to the Slaters. Tim and Kobie were shirtless. Finally, the guests stormed Mark’s house. I kept on playing the “Rehab” song obsessively. The Judge Khalid made a great emotional speech. Far away in Los Angeles, LL was doing something consequential. We lost because Mark H. and myself dancing in our underwear was not considered “quality entertainment” and it is difficult to argue against that.
Later on at Bebar, things got out of hand. I think I saw Jeff L. throwing his drink at someone. I remember dancing next to Mark and his boyfriend Eric T. Sushi was insisting to everyone that his real name was Andrew and that he was being persecuted by a bartender. Then it all came into crystal clear focus that it always is all about not sleeping alone and someone was constantly repeating “Oh, you don’t mean nothing at all to me”. I must have played my cards terribly and my new (only (?) $150) jeans must suck because the closest I got to human warmth this WE was when I masturbated today at 2 p.m. and when I IMed my imaginary friends in other cities all day with some melodramatic bullshit.
"Say It Right" is my fav song evs. Did I see you on Friday night?
Posted by: Toby | Monday, February 26, 2007 at 01:18 PM
We are so glad to read that you are back, and better than ever.
Now return our calls!
Posted by: Old Fagat | Monday, February 26, 2007 at 02:39 PM
Toby. Probably but we wouldn't remember.
Posted by: Tristan | Monday, February 26, 2007 at 03:02 PM
You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you.
Posted by: Mark H. | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 08:26 PM