While FHC toils away in the Heart of Darkness, some of us are on Spring Break. (By "on spring break" we clearly mean "Fishwatch could still smell alcohol on our breath even though it's 3pm"). We're not supposed to be working, but we received a call this morning from our "ex" reproaching our failure to blog the entire time he's been away. So we're using this post as an update to all you curious 'mos. As you may have seen earlier, we and Nick D. decided to take our vacay (or at least the first few days) in Washington, DC, because, let's be honest, the thought of getting drunk in NYC just seemed too depressing.
We've written this before, but this trip to DC made it all the more clear: there are only 25 gays in that town, and we, our friends, and FHC have slept with all of them. Twice over. Nevertheless, we had a fabulous time as usual and Ben T. was a terrific host, even if he forced us to drink 594302 redbulls. Unforch, we had to take some GD ethics exam Saturday morning, so we didn't make it to DC in time to see the Apex throwdown Friday night, though we heard reports that Peter S. was spotted at Heath Bar the next morning sporting sunglasses worthy of Anna Wintour to hide his bruises. Saturday night was a "birthday" party at Tom A's (and yes, some gays were spotted consuming carbs, see photo above), followed by Infamy, hosted by queen bee Carl J. (NDLR: We usually refuse to go to events like Taint, mostly because we're convinced the floor is going to collapse any day now, but Infamy at the 930 Club totes lived up to the hype and more than a few people were spotted making out at the bar and trying to sleep with other peoples' boyfriends.)
In some ways, DC is no different than NYC. Instead of the Hot Boys Posse, DC has the self-proclaimed Axis of Fun (*snicker*). Instead of Fabiola Beracasa, DC has FHC. Instead of Mr. Black, DC has the Black Cat, and instead of Vlada and Therapy, DC has . . . ok, the comparison ends there. But still, DC has a sort of small-town charm that NYC, for reasons that should be obvs, never will. Maybe DC appeals to the suburbanite in us; the thought of knowing all our neighbors is actually kind of nice, especially considering we've been living in the same Chelsea aparment for 18 months and have yet to meet the people across the hall. We know NY'ers will never really take DC seriously and will always consider it the retarded nephew of "real cities." After all, there can be only one center of the universe. Yet we think DC deserves a real chance: if NYC is that pretty Prada-wearing gay who's the constant focus of everyone's attention, DC is the sweet, reliable gay in the polo shirt who might not be the coolest kid in school, but is always there when you need him.