My rapport to the internet is unhealthy (read: neurotic). I also believe that this might get in the way of both my plan to become a yogi (very time consuming) before the fiscal year ends and the hermitlike behavior I plan to adopt to reach my goal.
Checking my personal and professional thingy e-mails is the first and last thing I do every day. The rest of my awakened time is spent frenetically refreshing, dragging thousands of spam e-mails in the trash and placing LL and Kevin W.’s messages in little folders, checking my bank account, my health insurance portal, e-bay, friendster, myspace, facebook, itunes and my favorite blogs. Nothing really changes during the day (besides mass murders on but I still behave like an addict and return to the same webpages repeatedly interrupting my substantive activities every ten minutes. Whenever I send an e-mail to a cute boy, I then constantly check outlook until I finally receive an answer ignoring the fact that there are people out there who have other things to do then immediately answer everything they receive and constant access to the internet. I am lucky that the professional thingy concluded that I was too unimportant to be given a blackberry (and a company car both requested earlier this year).
Among the potential solutions to end what clearly constitutes yet another obsessive compulsive behavior, I envision to check my e-mail only once a day, commit to keeping my inbox empty, give up blogging and take one day offline every week. If I successfully gave up Mark H. and Crystal Meths (not simultaneously though), this must not be much more difficult.
give up blogging?
this is clearly a ridiculous idea.
i mean what obsessive compulsive behaviour will you do away with next? masturbation???
Posted by: theoneinyourdreams | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:49 AM
ha. why bother? it's too late for you now. just plug in, exhale gently and enjoy what you have left.
Posted by: Savvas | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 05:16 PM
I bet that you will give up men before leaving the internet.
Posted by: MegaDcFag (reloaded) | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 09:42 PM
I bet that you will give up men before leaving the internet.
Posted by: MegaDcFag (reloaded) | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 09:43 PM
If you're so addicted to the internets, why can't you blog every day?
Posted by: Old Fagat | Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 07:51 AM