Apologies. When I first heard about Imus' outrageous comments, i didn't realize they were also racist. I thought "hos" was the offensive term, but it turns out "nappy headed" is a tad on the offensive side, too.
Imus' comments and overt racism obviously are indefensible. But now some people are also going after hip hop lyrics, which also tend to degrade black women. (NDLR: "Even when I'm with my boo, I only wanna be with you" seems tame to me, but whatevs). Since I couldn't care less about racism or trendy music, I'm not going to write about that; instead, this all got me thinking about whether we as gays perpetuate the same sort of hateful stereotypes in the same way mysogynistic rappers do.
Last year, for example, Nick D. dated someone a little on the effeminate side who also had a high squeaky voice. We called him "FemBot." Another friend coined a term - "Marcia" - for really hot guys who turn out to be, well, FemBots. And don't even get me started on Fagzilla.
To be sure, I understand that emphazing more masculine qualities at times is just the same sort of sexual posturing that animals like mountain goats to in the wild; posting quasi-athletic photos of ourselves on friendster is the equivalent of the rut.
Still, I think it's hypocritical of us to expect acceptance - to be taken simply as normal - when we're equally guilty of separating ourselves into Queens and Varsity. Just remember, next time you're at Vlada or Apex and someone says, "That guy is so cute you should hit on him," your response "Yeah, but he's soooo faggy" is no different from saying, "Niggas ain't shit, but hoes and tricks". (NDLR: And if you're at Apex, you're probably on your last gasps anyway, so you're really one to talk.)
So go home with him. I bet he'll end up being a top.
jesus, this sounds like a NBC "the more you know" spot.
but you're right--the faggy effeminate guy i met last year ended up being a great love. and a tae kwon do master. who knew?
but sometimes you just cant take the fem out of the bottom.
Posted by: theoneinyourdreams | Sunday, April 15, 2007 at 01:20 AM