Attendees at the dinner included Rodolphe B. (unspeakably charming as usual), the up-and-
coming Dan W., my friend LL and the celebrated Nicolas C. Rudy hammered me quite early on with a Martini at his divine place on Wyoming. We then went to Urbana on P street (or at least that’s what I am told – I would not know I was already shitfaced when we got there), a haven for gay decors enthusiasts: everything was frivolous and covered in granit tops from the Menu to the bill. I vaguely remembered that this particular restaurant prides itself in dipping fries in Duck’s fat or something horrible and uncanny like that (just so you know…consider it my review of the place) and the waiter had a sore jaw. However, the conversation covered almost exclusively controversial topics starting with ankle boots, Chinese weddings, the israelo-lebanese conflict (religion), Juan V.’s break-up/beat-up, John Bolton (politics), my plan to move to very happening Luxembourg (FHC) and Nicolas’s obscure and murky sexual life (sex). Us, the French people, never really mastered the art of dinner conversation like Englishmen, we just cannot help but raise the taboo topic of footwear. I gathered through some non-verbal clues that I mostly behaved like an asshole and LL eventually declined my invitation to go to some wild-after-dinner party (at one point in the dinner, he claimed that I have taken the habit to wake him up in the middle of the night to beat him). Afterwards I dreamt that I was attacked in my courtyard, woke up still drunk and quite enraged to be alive. It doesn't get any better than that.
I just regret that LL and I did not find an opportunity to drop the fact that we had just watched Jules & Jim.
In other news, I engage each and every of my DC reader to watch David B’s secret sex/real estate tape (via an anonymous tip) and please let us know if you receive an e-mail from John W. because he apparently misbehaved in Les Caves du Roy. Apparently among the fun things one must do while living in Washington, Dc is to kick bikers on 11th St between U and Florida.
Anyway I have to join dearest L right now so we can go to watch the Nationals take on the San Francisco Giants: after 6 years in the US, it is time for me to start hating baseball for a reason.