Verizon pissed me off last night. In case, you people are wondering, I have not had a proper internet connection for about three weeks (mostly because of the evil Drew W. I must repeat) and it does not seem to get any better. As I was telling my cute lunch date today, it is not so much the hooking up on that I miss but the porn blogs. Anyway as I was getting very very frustrated trying to set up that damn network for five hours last night and writing hysterically an insult letter to Ivan Seidenberg, I became increasingly conscious that I needed to step back a little. I tried…five seconds and then just doubled my usual dose of benzos and passed out.
Of course, it is a little annoying not to have an internet connection but I have been through worse moments in my life like that time I had to chose between my son and my daughter to be spared away from a tragic gas related death and eventually they both died anyway. Anyone ? Anyone? (good movie btw, really got me depressed on Friday night). Why do I always get mad over such small insignificant small things? I get my mindset on something stupid and puff I turn into an hysteric serial killer. I really would like to chill out more like that Asian guy in Kill Bill. Well maybe it’s not such a good example…he does take people eyes out on some occasions but mostly I think he has the relatively casual attitude I wish I had (without the hairdo and a little more indolence). When I was with LL and he used to hide the kitchen knives because of my temper, I suggested that if I smoked a little weed everyday, I might develop a calmer behavior but he of course vetoed the whole thing. Or maybe I can resurrect that old inner peaceful place of mine (which clearly isn’t Fresh Fields on a Sunday, I had a claustrophobia attack and physically struggled with some poor clerk at the meat stand because I couldn’t breathe … I incidentally had ran earlier into vividblurry at the beer section looking really buff).
Anyway I have to go to the gym but basically what I mean is that my life isn’t that bad. I have health, enough money for sport memorabilia and I get laid occasionally. “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.” as Auntie Mame would say. Of course, on the other hand, some people’s job consist in attending fashion shows and getting generous gift bags. So what? my banquet would be more like a cold buffet but still.