Finally I am leaving the unnamed destination for Rome. I sighed of relief when I went through my last bitter fight with airline ground personnel. Incidentally I was informed at the airport that the plane would leave two hours later than expected and that some undeserving spy met a poisonous death (which is just another justification to avoid Chinese eateries particularly if you have poor relations with the Kremlin). This is now my last time in a refrigerated lounge full of extremely eager Chinese businessmen and convicts who stare at me because I am wearing two sweaters, am covered in lion repellent and look at my gayest. Sorry little chaps: I am used to more temperate and civilized places. Additionally I won’t have to listen to Richard Quest anymore (this guy has really cool friends though like Keith Richards or the Dalaï Lama). This trip exhausted and aged me (not as much as Frenchbenj but still): I have two days to put myself back in some shape (as well as dig out some Italian delicatessen…don’t we all wish we would be 24 spending thanksgiving with friends in a lake house) before returning to the rumbles of my life in DC….a new life which won’t include a fat, not-so-well-behaved pet as an example.
I celebrated the end of my time off by going to a nightclub last night with the son of a semi-famous (yet extremely corrupt) senator running for Presidency and a few wild expatriate girls. I of course did not manage to get laid and was not even approached by any prostitute. This was also my way to celebrate that Thanksgiving thingy you guys are so much into. Today, I spent a little time by the pool watching natives in Speedo. LL (btw: congratulations for not blogging two Saturdays in a row) had started this nasty habit of asking me to return from the unnamed destination with a tan because the late Kevin D. once said “FHC is the only guy, who can go stay in the unnamed destination for a month and return fatter and paler”.
I hate to tell you that but I will be back in DC pretty soon. Inch Allah.