Disclaimer: a cute kitten was badly hurt in the making of this entry
As the cost of keeping me alive is increasingly rising and my contribution to society is steadily decreasing, I have started to panic over the idea that society itself might decide that it is a smart move to “put me to sleep” as you American tactfully said to Dolly. That is why I do not accept diner invitation anymore, always look over my shoulder when walking in the street and only do shopping at night with a hood on.
Article 5(2)c. A FHC is usually called "obsolete" if it no longer represents the state of the art, that is, if another human being can do the job more effectively at a lower cost. In this sense, a FHC is obsolete if another loul is more accurate, prettier, healthier and therefore more destructive.
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Dr. Nelson T., my gastroenterologist, Dr. Daniel C., my dentist, Dr. Eliot S., my psychiatrist, Dr. Jackson D., my acupuncturist, Dr. Henry F., my allergist, Dr. Angelo D., my generalist, Dr. Bonnie C., my addiction specialist, Dr. Patricia S., my ophtalmologist. Thank you also to F.’s Pharmacy, the allergy shot nurse and my drug dealer A. Finally, thumbs up to Merck & Co., Inc. You guys are the best !!!