My very genuine (albeit belated) efforts in becoming a model employee are thwarted (I am not sure if that word applies here but I’ll try it anyway as I like to showcase my perfect knowledge of the English language) by the fact that I am sick… as in always sick. I had some kind of flu last Thursday and Friday and tonight I have a horrible cold and am all congested which means that I am not going to work tomorrow. My gut feeling is that the savvy cocktail of drugs, booze and cigarettes I was on, was what boosted my immune system and now I am finished. Another possibility is that Obama had a cold and gave it to me when he shook my hand, rather vigorously, at the Human Rights Campaign dinner on Saturday. If at least my poor health would cut my appetite, I would be happy but it looks like if these repeated diseases kill me, they will kill a fat gay man. I eat incredible quantities of food at an amazing pace and am now heavier than Roy which is disconcerting.
My recovery (isn’t it cool that I have my own recovery?) is doing well - thanks for asking - and combines many initiatives at once: meditation (15 minutes in the morning … not a huge success), acupuncture (I have two different acupuncturists who feed me huge amounts of Tibetan medicine), EMDR (some bullshit psychological treatment), therapy (my new therapist is great and only half the cost of my previous one), some yoga (when I am not too weakened by my poor health). I also have a sponsor but have not had the courage to open the Big Book yet. I go to bed early and try not to get too stressed out.