I spent Christmas day in my cave with the curtains shut ignoring my friends’ phone calls. I worked on a little project I had too long postponed and that I need to complete before Martin Luther King Day (hint: it doesn’t have anything to do with the civil rights movement).Ok maybe I wrote a few Xmas card to myself to make time go by quicker. Who the f**ck are you to judge me ? I noted however that Alex A. left town, Rodolphe came back, LL spent the day “interacting” with his family with the help of his favorite drink and Kevin D. was on his way to celebrate his wedding in Louisiana with his parents in law, the Ws. I also rejoiced about being almost done with the holidays (New Year’s Eve is left but I usually manage to get through by drinking to the point of being sick – I just really need to score an invitation somewhere), hated Kylie Minogue all day and boiled with rage about the fact that a young woman at Sergio’s guessed my age to be 34. Finally, I started to read and re-read Karl’s blog. It now is 6:38 p.m. and I am seriously envisioning to switch my smelly old pajamas and conical hat for something more appropriate for dinner with young Patterson. I’ll certainly not shave but I might shower. Depending.
Did you know that on friendster you can select which one will appaear in your profile ? couldn’t that lead to some tensions ? Also if I was born in the US, would my life be a little more like Justin’s ?